Professional Choice
About Western Breeze Company
Western Breeze was founded in 1992, when an optimistic and hopeful businessman sought to bring innovation to his community and the people of Iraq. Mr Mohammad Bahrani had a deep love for people, and was always keen to help them and improve their quality of life. With this purpose in mind, he founded Western Breeze, and in its early throes, started out life as a software company. Basing itself in Baghdad, Western Breeze provided software services to people and businesses throughout the country.
Mohammad Bahrani was known for two things however: his stubborn resolve, and his flexible opportunism, and something as simple as life would not stop him. This time he noticed the people were in need of something else. Iraq’s climate can be extremely harsh in the summer, with temperatures averaging around 40°C (104°F), sometimes reaching as far as 50°C (122°F). People required cooling, and they were looking for higher value than what they were getting. Some companies were selling units at lower specs than what was being offered, leaving customers with the short end of the stick. This would not do.
Mr Bahrani transformed Western Breeze’s production to cater to this demand, maintaining his ethos and ideal of putting the people’s needs first. He offered a higher quality product to his customers, making sure that every product that came off the assembly line met all standards. No cut corners, no shortcuts. As a result, even with the hardships of the Iraqi war, Western Breeze grew, extending its reach to help and provide its services to as many people as it could, maintaining its quality standard throughout. With its HQ in Iraq, branch offices opened up with Erbil to the North, Najaf to the West, and Karbala in the South, locations intentionally selected to provide customers throughout Iraq with what they needed.
After a difficult battle with cancer, even with his renowned stubbornness, Mohammad Bahrani passed away. But, his legacy lives on. Western Breeze maintains Mr Bahrani’s ideals, and we believe, as he did, in offering the customer the best we can offer. Customer focus is what drives us, and our quality standards guide us. We seek to provide you with what you deserve. Just as Mr Bahrani would have.
Our Vision:
We work to get all home appliances ready for our customers under one roof, get them to their houses all over the Iraqi lands in order to save their money and time, and supply them with increasing choices that cover all the segments of our society.

Our Mission:
WBC believes that customer satisfaction can be achieved through team work as well as applying new marketing technologies. We strive to offer our customers with the newest technology in the home appliances at the right time, in the right place, and at the right cost, for that we keep ourselves updated on all changes and advances in the world market of our sector in order to save time and money for our clients.
Western Breeze Horeca is a part of Western Breeze Company, We believe that customer satisfaction can be achieved through team work as well as applying new marketing technologies. We strive to offer our customers with the newest technology in the home appliances at the right time, in the right place, and at the right cost, for that we keep ourselves updated on all changes and advances in the world market of our sector in order to save time and money for our clients.